1 Team launches Manchester's Crime strategy at Manchester Town Hall Albert Square .the 1 team is made up of Police Officers PCSOs wardens health workers street environment officers fre fighters youth workers working together to fight crime#.Mark Waugh news..1team one team
Author: Mark Waugh
Photo size: 5.5 Mpixels (15.6 MB uncompressed) - 3000x1822 pixels (10x6.1 in / 25.4x15.4 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: emergency services, GMPD, launches, Manchester's Crime strategy, media photographer lancashire, media photographer Manchester, media photographer salford, media photographer stockport, media photographer wigan, media photography, media photography cheshire, news photographer cheshire, news photographer greater manchester, news photographer lancashire, news photographer manchester, news photographer stockport, police, police department, pr photography
Published in: PR