Andrew Amara at Whitworth Art Gallery
Student Andrew Amara University Manchester MSC pictured on the green roof at Whitworth Art Gallery..Linked Bi line greatly appreciated markwaugh.Net
Author: Mark Waugh
MARK WAUGH Licenced to Mcr University for press use, no commercial use no syndication **Non exclusive licence
Photo size: 6.0 Mpixels (17.2 MB uncompressed) - 3000x2000 pixels (10x6.7 in / 25.4x16.9 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: Andrew Amara, city centre, education photography, feature photography, global, Manchester, Manchester university, media photographer lancashire, media photographer Manchester, media photographer salford, media photographer stockport, media photographer wigan, media photography, media photography cheshire, news photographer cheshire, news photographer greater manchester, news photographer lancashire, news photographer manchester, news photographer stockport, planning, student, the green roof, urban development, Whitworth Art Gallery
Published in: Features